Family Dynamics during Global Conflict

Let’s explore the hardships and struggles faced by Sutton’s family after the declaration of the Home Rule Act. Guy Quigley’s trilogy, The Thundering Smoke – Book 1—The Price of Freedom discusses Thomas Edward Sutton’s involvement as an Irish Volunteer Army in the Irish War of Independence. Book 1 focuses on the marriage of Tom with Grace held in 1912, after the passing of the Third Rule Act. Later in the year, they welcomed their son Sean into the family.

The book expresses the themes of love, life, and sacrifices. The author shares the efforts of Grace in trying to support her husband and wishes that her family would understand Tom’s passion and interest in Ireland’s struggle for independence. She hoped that her family would accept Tom and their grandson, but the start of World War I prevented their hopes from coming true.

The book sheds light on the complex issues and post-war violence that the nation was experiencing. Guy Quigley guides readers of all ages through the problems the family was facing as a result of the global conflict. Grace’s family, the Gallaghers were no longer accepting Tom’s participation in the Irish war for Independence. The Gallagher’s plan was to leave for America, and they wanted Grace and Sean to accompany them. However, Grace made the decision to stay with her husband, which would prove to be fatal and in 1917, she waved her family goodbye from the Queenstown docks with tears streaming down her face.

The book The Thundering Smoke—Book 1–the Price of Freedom by Guy Quigley is now available on Amazon and at your local bookstore. So get a copy of it today!

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